Dr. Stupid sets things straight.
February 17, 2001 10:32 AM   Subscribe

Dr. Stupid sets things straight. Australian commentary site Crikey is where Dr. Stupid exposes the sloth, stupidity, and duplicity of journalists who should really know better. I enjoyed his autopsy of the recent flurry of Tom and Nicole coverage, and the rest of the column has some nice tidbits as well. Are there columns like this about the American press that you would recommend?
posted by BGM (8 comments total)
Thanks for the link.

I bookmarked this site a while ago.

*Note to any MeFi aussies - Nice to see Stewart Littlemore on the ABC again, although I haven't seen his new show yet, I missed his presence on Media Watch.
posted by lucien at 12:57 PM on February 17, 2001

Ken Layne's got interesting commentary as well, exploring the fairly novel idea that the Scientologists leaked the Kidman-Cruise news early in order to swamp the media coverage of 15 Scientologists, including the president, on trial in Spain.
posted by Mo Nickels at 3:17 PM on February 17, 2001

The insignificance of it all astounds me.

No, wait, it just bores me.
posted by gleemax at 4:45 PM on February 17, 2001

Ooh, I like. Why haven't I heard of this site before? I'll definitely be having more of a poke around when I have the time, thanks for linking to it.

This is the most sensible, hype-free critique I've seen of One Nation for a long time. Worth reading. Don't know about the conclusions, I predicted One Nation would've burnt out by now and they're still going strong, but we can live in hope.

(As for Littlemore, no thank you. Smug, nasty man.)
posted by Georgina at 5:34 PM on February 17, 2001

Phone call transcripts from the bastion of slime, The Mirror. My life is falling into ruin as I struggle to avoid this matter but keep coming up with more of it. I feel compelled to give in.
posted by Mo Nickels at 3:26 AM on February 18, 2001

Well, Mo, since you asked (or at least said you were thinking of giving in), here is some more dirt. Tom & Nicole have hired private investigators to dig up dirt on each other. Seems they didn't sign a pre-nup before they got hitched, so now there is going to be a titanic legal battle over who gets what. One of those "friends" Dr. Stupid was talking about said "it's going to get ugly". Gee, ya think?
posted by Potsy at 4:08 AM on February 18, 2001

'Course all the alt.showbiz.gossip crowd have thought for years that "Nic" was Tom's beard. They can't wait for the investigations to begin ... "Tom and Russell Crowe Gay Sex Shock Horror!"
posted by dhartung at 2:27 PM on February 18, 2001

Russell Crowe has been, well, busy lately. How the press love a third party.

I forgot about this one BGM, but you probably know of it already -disinfo.com

One Nation. Sigh. Just when we thought it was safe........"They’re baaaack"

Sorry. I thought that meme was dead, or at least in this particular incarnation.
posted by lucien at 3:35 AM on February 19, 2001

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